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Monday, September 19, 2011

A Story

This is a story. No, this is not a love story nor a story of happy ending. Nonetheless, it was written to save not heart but someone’s pride.

Up in the northern part of the village, there were five friends:  Anton, James, Drew, Phil and Andre.  All five grew up together that second to their families, they feel home just by mere laughing at silly and shallow gags or competing with each other by throwing colored candies in the air for no reason. For years, they experienced lots of emotions that shaped their brotherhood. 

If there’s one thing that could identify the five of them, it could be one word: sauce. Indeed, all of them loved to eat, sauced food a lot! Other people in the village wondered if the sauce made them so identifiable that they bore the name “Throbbers”. It may sound so bizarre, but a lot believed it’s their traits that made girls smile at an extended time frame and made babies chuckle. For one, Anton had slightly oval face which narrows towards the chin. James had a strong, firm nose which gave his face a strong sense of solidity and character. Drew had a well-defined jaw line gives a certain chiseled face making him look incredibly sophisticated. Phil had a pair of dark brown eyes that were so expressive without any doubt. Lastly, Andre had a distinct, well-maintained facial hair that made him look more, hygienic than without it. They were beautiful than handsome, making more throbbing of a lady’s heart, more or less, significant. Two were in a relationship: Anton, for 3 years now, and Drew for 5 years. James was single so is Andre. Phil was in the process of his healing mantra.

On the other end, there’s Alex, a lady with thick-rimmed pair of eyeglasses and with fine, wavy hair resting on her shoulders. She was always out of the house with a book and a pen, if not with her hand; it’s in her back pack. She was not weird either; she’s just independent coming home from another town at around 11 o’clock in the evening. She might not be stunning but she just brushed the idea that a lot of guys find her charming with her shirt-sneakers-jeans clothing type.

She had her own set of beliefs that sometimes, no one understands. In a world full of strangers, she believed that there’s a thin thread that connects everyone and it is the responsibility of every person to expose that thread lest chaos will happen. She rarely smiled, almost always in deep thought about a lot of mundane agenda. She loathed people who say that happiness could not be found in having a good life and that money is like a despot in one’s life. Though these people can’t be blamed, for her, they were just, evil as it may sound, broke.

Two sets of lives, one story. 


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